Minimum Area Required for Starting Ayurvedic Manufacturing Unit

Minimum Area Required for Starting Ayurvedic Manufacturing Unit

Most of the people ask us this question through our blog article, what is the minimum space required to start an Ayurvedic manufacturing unit so in today’s article we will discuss this in detail.

Most of the people in India are looking for Ayurvedic remedies for overall health and wellness, resulting in a steady rise in demand for Ayurvedic products. And it has gained worldwide popularity. As a result, new opportunities for Ayurvedic business are also emerging in this industry sector. So it would not be wrong to say that by setting up an Ayurvedic manufacturing unit, you can avail business opportunities in the industry sector. In today’s article we will discuss about the minimum area required to start an Ayurvedic manufacturing unit.

To start an Ayurvedic manufacturing unit we have to keep these important things in mind.

Before starting an Ayurvedic manufacturing company, you need to select a factory premises for the manufacturing process of medicines which is clean and free from external pollution and environment. Apart from this, also make sure that the roof and walls of the premises or factory where you are going to manufacture the medicine are made of concrete and cement. And there should also be proper space for everyday work related to the manufacturing process. For example.

  • Manufacturing process area 
  • Quality Control section 
  • Receiving and storing raw material 
  • Finished goods store 
  • Rejected goods/drug store 
  • Office 

Minimum cover area requirement for setting up Ayurvedic manufacturing unit is 1200 sq. ft. with separate cabin/partition.

The total covered area of the premises where you are going to manufacture Ayurvedic medicines should be at least 1200 square feet, in addition, if you want to manufacture Unani medicines in the same premises, you will need an additional 400 square feet of covered space. May need it. May need it.

Here is the area required for manufacturing process along with area as per partition

  1. Churna/Manjan/Nasya/Kwath Churn/Lepa: 200 square feet
  2. Tablets/Va/Gutika Matirai/Pills: 100 Square Feet
  3. Lavana Bhasma/parpati/Satva/Kupi pakava/parpati/Sindura/Uppu/Param/Karpu: 150 Square
  4. Pisti/Anjana: 100 Suare Feet
  5. Kajal: 100 Square Feet
  6. Marham Pasai/Ointment: 100 Square Feet
  7. Capsules: 100 Square Feet
  8. Kwath Manapaku/Panak Syrup/Pravahi: 150 Square Feet
  9. Modak/Avaleh/Pak/Lakayam/Avaleh: 100 Square Feet
  10. Asava/Aristha: 200 Square Feet
  11. Kwath Manapaku/Pravahi/Panak Syrup: 150 Square Feet
  12. Tail/Ghrit Ney: 100 Square Feet
  13. Ark Tinir: 100 Square Feet
  14. Sura: 100 Square Feet
  15. Netra Malham Panir/Aschyotan/Karn Bindu/Nasa Bindu: 100 Square Feet

Apart from this, also make sure that there is a separate place for things like furnace boiler, furnace, puta in each of your manufacturing. Along with this, you should also make arrangements for proper ventilation along with removal of smoke, protection from flies, dust, insects in the place where the manufacturing unit is located. Its area should be at least 200 square feet and the furnace part should have a tin roof.


Starting an Ayurvedic manufacturing unit requires careful consideration of various factors, so in the above article we have tried to explain in detail what is the minimum area required to start an Ayurvedic manufacturing unit and also how The rules and guidelines are followed. Efficient work flow design and adherence to quality standards are essential to the success of any manufacturing unit, so entrepreneurs entering the Ayurvedic industry must take the time and effort to understand and meet specific requirements to ensure the production of high quality Ayurvedic products. Resources should be invested.

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