How to Start Ayurvedic Wholesale and Distribution Business

How to Start Ayurvedic Wholesale and Distribution Business

In today’s era, the popularity of Ayurvedic products is increasing rapidly in other countries including India. People are increasingly trusting and turning to Ayurvedic products for optimum health and wellness. One of the main reasons for this is that most Ayurvedic products are made exclusively from natural herbs, plants and minerals. Which are free from harmful chemicals and artificial additives. and are known to have fewer side effects. Apart from this, doctors also prescribe Ayurvedic medicines for chronic health problems.

In recent times, potentially highly profitable business opportunities are emerging in the Ayurvedic wholesale and distribution sector. In the last few years, people in India are becoming health conscious and are looking for natural and alternative remedies, due to which the demand for Ayurvedic products has increased rapidly. Moreover, Ayurvedic distribution business is fast gaining popularity among FMCG and pharmaceutical distributors. Due to which this trend is providing potential opportunities to new entrepreneurs to start wholesaling and distribution business.

In today’s article we will try to understand how we can start an Ayurvedic wholesale distribution business and how you can get distribution from a best Ayurvedic company. Apart from this, we will also share with you the link of Ayurvedic companies list using which you can contact Ayurvedic companies in India. And can get information related to medicine distribution

Identify your target customers and their needs for Ayurvedic Wholesale and Distribution Business

Before starting an Ayurvedic wholesale and distribution business, you must try to understand your target audience. In this you have to identify those people. Those who are becoming health conscious. and are looking for natural alternatives to health and wellness. Also try to understand the needs and preferences of your customers and find out what kind of products they are looking for as the target audience of Ayurvedic products are product specific and may vary depending on the intended use.

Choose the right product for your Ayurvedic Wholesale & Distribution business

Choosing the right Ayurvedic products by you can make your Ayurvedic wholesale and distribution business successful to a great extent. But this will require significant market research and an effort to understand the needs and preferences of your potential customers. What kind of Ayurvedic products are they demanding? Additionally, you can get more information about your potential customers from doctors and drug dealers in your area. Using this information, you can offer a wide range of products to your customers.

Essential Requirements to become an Ayurvedic Distributor and Stockist:

If you want to become an Ayurvedic wholesale and herbal distributor, you usually need a Goods and Services Tax (GST) number. No license is required for sale and purchase of Ayurvedic and herbal medicines. If your annual turnover goes above Rs 20 lakh then it is mandatory for you to get GST number. But here we are suggesting you to get GST number already because when you buy goods from manufacturer or company then you can get tax exemption on those goods and services.

If you want to start an Ayurvedic wholesale & distribution then you only need to get GST number from Income Tax Department other than that no license and documents are required. But if your shop is located in a place where you may need to take any license and registration as per the local law. Which may include registration under the Shops and Establishment Act

For Ayurvedic Wholesale License:

For ayurvedic medicine dealership, ayurvedic medicine distribution, ayurvedic medicine agency and ayurvedic medicine wholesale in India you will not need any wholesale drug license, only for manufacturing ayurvedic medicine you need to take ayurvedic manufacturing license.

Here we have discussed some points on how to take Ayurvedic wholesale or product distributorship of any company.

  • It may be mandatory to obtain a Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN), for which you can apply yourself by visiting
  • You can prepare a list of Ayurvedic companies from whom you want to get distribution ship. Also you can search Ayurvedic companies online i.e. (through Google search engine)
  • You can get the contact information of delivery ships and stockist ships by visiting the websites of Ayurvedic companies. Otherwise you can fill the contact form given on their website. Also you can contact sales team of Ayurvedic medicine company to become distributor of Ayurvedic company
  • If ayurvedic company is not distributing its products in your area then can show interest in giving distribution ship and company can go ahead
  • You can contact through their representative regarding distribution of Ayurvedic products.
  • Fill the delivery form given by the Ayurvedic company, sign the contract and ensure that all the formalities are completed successfully.
  • Place an order to an Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing company to buy the products and you can start working after receiving the timely delivery of the products from the Ayurvedic company.


The above process explained by us can help you to become an Ayurvedic product distributor. And you can take Ayurvedic wholesale or distribution business from any best Ayurvedic company and after that by choosing a best place you can start your Ayurvedic wholesale or distribution business. But seeing the increasing business opportunities, many small and big players have entered this industry sector. If you want to establish a successful business in the Ayurvedic industry sector, you will have to create a unique business strategy, apart from this you will also have to understand the needs and preferences of the customers from time to time etc.

Here is the list of Ayush companies:

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