License Required for selling Hand Sanitizer

License Required for selling Hand Sanitizer

Years ago when I worked in a restaurant, I would see many people cleaning their hands with hand sanitizer before eating. But especially after a pandemic like COVID-19, the demand for hand sanitizers has increased a lot, creating opportunities for many entrepreneurs to enter this market. So if you too want to sell hand sanitizers in India and are planning to enter the market, then this guide can help you understand the necessary licenses and legal obligations.

So friends, after getting WHO support and government  recommendations for alcohol-based hand sanitizers, the demand for these products has increased significantly in India. Along with this, the production and marketing of hand sanitizers has also increased due to the epidemic like coronavirus, due to which many people are trying to make sanitizers by watching videos on YouTube. However, experts do not support homemade sanitizers at all and also warn against its use.

Drug License Required to Stock and Sell in India: An Essential Guide:

A drug license is mandatory under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (DCA) for every drug stocked and sold in India. But earlier, only licensed pharmacists and druggists were allowed to sell hand sanitizers. And no special exemption was given for hand sanitizers. Therefore, the entire supply chain including its retail sales was required to operate with a stock and sales license under the provisions of the DCA.

But friends, a relief news has come out regarding the sale of hand sanitizer. Here we would like to inform you that as per the notification dated 27th July 2020, the sale of hand sanitizer has been exempted from the requirement of sales license for storage or sale under Chapter IV of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

The notification may be as follows:

In India, under Section 26-B of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, the Central Government has issued a direction that 'Hand Sanitizer' shall be included under the 'Class of drugs' column in the Schedule to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

Since our Central Government also agrees that in view of the emergency situations arising due to Covid-19 pandemic, the need for hand sanitizer has increased further and its easy availability should be ensured in public interest and the Central Government also believes that wide availability of hand sanitizer is necessary for the general public.

You can check the notification published by the authority here.

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